Mutual Learning Workshop – InterHealth project and Programma Integra
“Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants”
Promoted by the Erasmus+ InterHealth project and Programma Integra
Rome, 12 December 2017 – H 14,30 – 16,30
During the workshop the InterHealth project and the Programma Integra participants will present their approaches in healthcare professional training and will compare the international practices in the domain, promoting discussion and mutual learning. The workshop will also stimulate the discussion around the following questions:
- What are the challenges that health care professionals are facing nowadays?
- How to implement a training curriculum that can help them to address the needs of patients in the actual intercultural healthcare?
- How different beliefs and perceptions about the healtcare process can hinder or favour the treatment?
- What are the areas of improvements and unexplored topics, in light of increasing the quality of the actual training offer?
- Best and worst practices in the domain