Ladies First! – Empowering coaches and trainers to support women towards work life balance A new challenge for FVA – New Media Research in the field of SHH is started The Project Kick -Off Meeting took place inContinue reading
Tag: training
InterHealth, OIS and ISS Mutual Learning Workshop “Training practices for health care professionals dealing with migrants”
On the 13 December 2017 at ISS -Istituto Superiore di Sanitá premises took place the mutual learning workshop “Training practices for health care professionals dealing with migrants”, organized by FVA, InterHealth project and OIS –Continue reading
INTERHEALTH Project – Training week
In the context of INTERHEALTH – Intercultural Competences for Healthcare Professionals. Erasmus + project, FVA organized the Short-term training event from the 11th to the 15th of December 2017. Assuming a lifelong learning perspective, thisContinue reading
Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants
Mutual Learning Workshop – InterHealth project and Programma Integra “Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants” Promoted by the Erasmus+ InterHealth project and Programma Integra Rome, 12 December 2017 – H 14,30 – 16,30Continue reading