The objective of the TETRA project is to develop and implement a series of business-support activities targeted at ‘R&I Actions’ and their third parties funded under the topic H2020-ICT-24-2018-2019 to help turn their research results into marketable products and services and prepare them for success in the market place. TETRA will identify and provide instruments and resources to assist ICT innovators to:
- Ensure the best use of their outcomes through specific exploitation strategies
- Support their uptake at local, regional, national and international level
- Assess the impacts at the level of the ‘Next Generation Internet β An Open Internet Initiative’ topic.
Long-term strategic objective is to assist the NGI initiative to develop a more human-centric Internet supporting values of openness, cooperation across borders, decentralisation, inclusiveness and protection of privacy; giving the control back to the users in order to increase trust in the Internet. The central role of Europe in reshaping NGI in a holistic way and driving this technology revolution will be central in the TETRA concept and activities.
Just as citizens are members of a civil society, they are also members of a digital society through their interactions over the Internet. These interactions have and will continue to evolve over time, and the current trends are towards continuous connection to the Internet, interconnectedness, ease of communication and collaboration1. Many of these interactions have beneficial societal implications, but clearly there are also emerging dangers to citizens when they use the Internet2. The main NGI topics were recently clustered by the HUB4NGI project into the following categories: 1) Decentralisation 2) Privacy 3) Innovation Networks 4) Multidisciplinary & End-to-End Design 5) Legislation 6) Responsible Machines 7) Echo Chambers 8) Economics & Wealth Distribution 9) Trust & Security.
TETRA project fully recognizes and adheres to the vision of the European Commission, according to which the principles why an NGI is set as a key priority are the following:
- A number of technological trends will thoroughly reshape the internet over the next 10-15 years.
- Europe should drive this technology revolution while contributing to making the future internet more human-centric.
- An internet for the people, that contributes to a more sustainable and inclusive society.
- Increasingly these technological trends influence each other and a programme targeted towards the Next Generation Internet must consider them in a holistic way.
In this context, the direct objectives of the TETRA project are to:
- Shape a more human-centric evolution of the Internet.
- Create a European leading ecosystem of top researchers, hi-tech start-ups and SMEs with the capacity to set and/or disrupt the course of Internet evolution.
- Generate new business opportunities and new Internet companies with maximum growth and impact chances.
- Enable new internet applications / services, business models and innovation processes strengthening the position of European ICT industry in the Internet market.