The social game GueSSH! has been designed and developed to increase awareness on EU Citizens perception about SSH relevant challenges, aims at dispelling myths and demonstrate through a game-based approach that we tend to overestimateContinue reading
Category: News & Events
THRIVE CONFERENCE @ Chatam, Kent – 21 September 2017
Great success for the THRIVE CONFERENCE held in Chatham, Kent: More than 70 professionals attended the fully-funded event for all Early Years and Primary education stakeholder. The conference, hosted by Diagrama Foundation (a UK charity),Continue reading
BIOWAYS @ the European Researchers’ Night
ROME – 28/29/30 September 2017 In the coming days the BIOWAYS project, funded by BBI-JU to promote Bioeconomy and Bio-Based products, will attend the European Night of researchers (Frascati, RM) with workshops, meetings, exhibitions andContinue reading
ROME – 28 September 2017 Thursday 28 September, the European project DANDELION will be present at the ‘European Researchers’ Night’, the most important European scientific communication event involving more than 300 cities, with a rich calendar ofContinue reading
Bio…what? the new game to promote Bioeconomy
“Bio…What?” is a Serious Game developed by the BIOWAYS project in partnership with the BioSTEP project , both funded by BBI-JU under Horizon 2020. BIOWAYS project aims at increase public awareness of bio-based products andContinue reading
DANDELION, Health and Migration @the Senate
Monday September 18, at Palazzo Madama, the DANDELION project was invited by the OIS (International Health Observatory) at the press conference presenting the Project “Sanità di Frontiera. Health and Migration: Cure and Care”. With theContinue reading
BIOWAYS @ the ENEA conference “Bioproducts for Cultural Heritage”
20 September 2017 – BIOWAYS project was invited by the researcher Paola Marconi at the ENEA headquarters in Rome to the conference “From tradition to innovation: from pre-Spanish Mexican art, a bioproduct forContinue reading
DANDELION alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori – 28 Settembre
Il 28 settembre il progetto DANDELION, finanziato da Horizon2020 per promuovere i risultati di ricerca dei progetti Europei nel campo delle scienze sociali e umanitarie, sarà presente a Roma nel contesto della NOTTE EUROPEA DEI RICERCATORI ATTIVITÀContinue reading
Un autunno ricco di appuntamenti italiani per BIOWAYS!
Nel prossimi mesi il progetto BIOWAYS, finanziato da BBI-JU per promuovere presso il grande pubblico la Bioeconomia e i prodotti Bio-Based, sarà presente in Italia con tantissimi eventi, conferenze e workshops. NOTTE EUROPEA DEIContinue reading
BIOWAYS tutti gli appuntamenti per la notte Europea dei ricercatori (ROMA)
BIOWAYS, le strade verso la Bioeconomia alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori Prosegue l’intenso calendario di appuntamenti, promossi dal progetto BIOWAYS, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea e dal Bio-based Industries Consortium, in occasione della Notte EuropeaContinue reading