Mutual Learning Workshop – InterHealth project and Programma Integra “Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants” Promoted by the Erasmus+ InterHealth project and Programma Integra Rome, 12 December 2017 – H 14,30 – 16,30Continue reading
Tag: Rome
Sei un RICERCATORE, una STARTUP o un’azienda che lavora nel campo della BIOECONOMIA?
Sei un RICERCATORE, una STARTUP o un’azienda che lavora nel campo della BIOECONOMIA? Il progetto BIOWAYS, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea e dalla BBI-JU per promuovere la ricerca e la bioeconomia europea, sta organizzando una serieContinue reading
BIOWAYS project at the BUYGREEN FORUM 2017
BIOWAYS partecipated on the 13th of October 2017 in Rome to the XI edition of the Forum CompraVerde – BuyGreen. The most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives onContinue reading
Junker, l’app che ti aiuta a fare la raccolta differenziata
Nel contesto del Forum Compra Verde di Roma BIOWAYS ha incontrato Noemi De Santis e Gianluca Della Campa, i quali con grande entusiasmo ci hanno presentato il loro utilissimo prodotto: Junker, la prima eContinue reading
BIOWAYS partecipated on the 5th – 6th Of October 2017 in Rome to the 7th edition of IFIB – Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy organized by Assobiotec, the Italian Association for the development of biotechnology which is partContinue reading
BIOWAYS @ the European Researchers’ Night
ROME – 28/29/30 September 2017 In the coming days the BIOWAYS project, funded by BBI-JU to promote Bioeconomy and Bio-Based products, will attend the European Night of researchers (Frascati, RM) with workshops, meetings, exhibitions andContinue reading