SAVE THE DATES! 23 – 30 settembre Settimana della Scienza 29 settembre European Researchers’ Night Fervono i preparativi nei laboratori, i divulgatori scaldano le corde vocali e si puntano i telescopi e lenti di ingrandimento:Continue reading
Tag: FVA New Media research
Il BIOECONOMY Village alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2019
Cos’è la Bioeconomia? Quali sono i prodotti di origine rinnovabile di uso quotidiano? È possibile fare scelte più sostenibili per l’ambiente e per la nostra salute, sostituendo i prodotti derivati dal petrolio? I prodotti diContinue reading
FATTI di Plastica – L’evento organizzato dal CNR sulle plastiche e l’inquinamento ambientale
Il 5 giugno 2018 si è svolto, a Roma presso la Casa dell’architettura – Acquario Romano, nell’ambito della giornata mondiale dell’Ambiente per l’anno 2018 “Beat Plastic Pollution”, l’evento “FATTI di Plastica” sulle nuove soluzioni sostenibiliContinue reading
Successful Results for the Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza in Rome
May 24th 2018 – We had the pleasure to present, in the context of the Festival of Sustainable Development 2018, the main Italian contribution to the EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK, a mini version of the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE withContinue reading
“Boosting circular bio-based economy in cities” MML workshop, Brussels 22 May 2018
In the context of the BIOVOICES project, funded by the European Commission (GA 774331) aiming at promoting multi stakeholders dialogue to address societal, environmental and economic challenges related to bio-based products and applications, we areContinue reading
Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza, Rome 2018
What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Is it possible to make more sustainable choices for the environment and for our health? Visit the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE on May 24th from 11am to 4pm to discoverContinue reading
BBI JU National Launch Day – Rome, 18 April 2018
Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) National Launch Day will be held in Rome at the headquarter of Lazio Region – Sala Tirreno – Piazza Oderico da Pordenone, 15 Organized by APRE on behalf of MIUR, Ministry ofContinue reading