GenB project organised a Common Ground Camp in bioeconomy onsite in Athens and online, on 21-22 February 2023, involving many representatives of inspirational and innovative educational and awareness raising tools developed so far in the frameworkContinue reading
Tag: communication
Innovative way to communicate research through gamification: Serious Games are increasingly gaining popularity to raise awareness and teach contents addressing both children and adults. FVA new media research, in the context of the European BIOWAYSContinue reading
BIOCHALLENGE – Test your knowledge in bioeconomy with the quiz!
BIOWAYS is pleased to announce the release of its second game BIOCHALLENGE. An exciting game-quiz that will put your knowledge in bioeconomy to the test! The player will have to respond to several questions before theContinue reading
InterHealth and Programma Integra Mutual Learning Workshop “Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants”
In the context of the Short-term training event of InterHealth Project, the Italian partner FVA organized, in collaboration with Programma Integra, a mutual learning workshop“Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants” atContinue reading
Cos’è la Bioeconomia? Quali sono i prodotti di origine rinnovabile di uso quotidiano? È possibile fare scelte più sostenibili per l’ambiente e per la nostra salute? Vieni a scoprirlo al BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker FaireContinue reading
MATREC- La prima Eco-Materials Library
MATREC è la prima eco-materials library dedicata ai materiali ambientalmente sostenibili e al loro impiego nel mondo della produzione industriale, dell’architettura e del design, una società di consulenza specializzata in innovazione e ricerca sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale e dell’economia circolare che supportaContinue reading
BIOWAYS project at the BUYGREEN FORUM 2017
BIOWAYS partecipated on the 13th of October 2017 in Rome to the XI edition of the Forum CompraVerde – BuyGreen. The most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives onContinue reading
Dandelion Quadruple Helix workshop – shaping the communication in SSH research
Great success of the Quadruple Helix workshop, organized by the DANDELION project in Bruxelles on 19/10/2016 to identify challenges, barriers, new ideas and solutions to increase the impact of the European research in the SSHContinue reading