What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Is it possible to make more sustainable choices for the environment and for our health? Visit the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE on May 24th from 11am to 4pm to discoverContinue reading
Tag: Algaria
BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker Faire Rome 2017 – a great success!
1,2,3 December 2017 – Promoted by the BBI JU project BIOWAYS in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome and the European project STAR- ProBio, the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. The initiativeContinue reading
Il BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker Faire Rome – un grande successo!
1,2,3 Dicembre 2017 – Promosso dai Progetti BIOWAYS e STAR-ProBio, finanziati dalla Commissione Europea il BIOECONOMY VILLAGE ha ottenuto un grande successo alla Maker Faire Rome. Quest’anno la fiera, ha registrato un vero e proprioContinue reading
Cos’è la Bioeconomia? Quali sono i prodotti di origine rinnovabile di uso quotidiano? È possibile fare scelte più sostenibili per l’ambiente e per la nostra salute? Vieni a scoprirlo al BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker FaireContinue reading