#EUGREENWEEK | 21-25 May 2018

Boosting the circular bio-based economy: Lessons learnt from EU funded projects

This MML event brings together representatives from city governments, bio-based industries, the EC and from relevant EU funded projects to share lessons learnt from working towards a bio-based circular economy. Discussion points: What are recommendations for the revision of the EU bio-economy strategy? How can these elements be used to boost the bio- and circular economy in cities? Who are the stakeholders to involve to increase impact? What are key factors ensuring acceptability of solutions?


The MML workshop takes place on 22 May 2018, from 09:30 – 13:30 in the APRE Brussels Office, Rue du Trône 98, 1050 Brussels. The target participants are:

  • Local governments;
  • Participants to EU funded projects dealing with bio-economy Coordinated and Support actions (CSAs)
  • European Commission representatives
  • BBI-JU representatives
  • BBI stakeholders The participation is free of charge.


The event, organized by ICLEI, APRE and FVA in the context of the BIOVOICES project (CSA GA 774331) will be a Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) workshop.

The expected outcome is a policy brief: “Boosting circular bio-based economy: Lesson learnt from EU funded projects”

Interested parties should contact Nikolai Jacobi (nikolai.jacobi@iclei.org) or Susanna Albertini (fvaweb@tiscali.it) to register for the event


For more information about the Project visit the website: BIOVOICES