Monday September 18, at Palazzo Madama, the DANDELION project was invited by the OIS (International Health Observatory) at the press conference presenting the Project “Sanità di Frontiera. Health and Migration: Cure and Care”. With theContinue reading
Category: Societal Challenges
DANDELION alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori – 28 Settembre
Il 28 settembre il progetto DANDELION, finanziato da Horizon2020 per promuovere i risultati di ricerca dei progetti Europei nel campo delle scienze sociali e umanitarie, sarà presente a Roma nel contesto della NOTTE EUROPEA DEI RICERCATORI ATTIVITÀContinue reading
Valorisation Activities and SSH Research Ripeness for Impact | DANDELION Workshop, 31st October
Valorisation Activities and SSH Research Ripeness for Impact In the context of the Conference “Democracy and Europe – our common future?“, the project DANDELION (‘Promoting EU funded projects of inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’)Continue reading
Come migliorare lo spirito di gruppo in classe
Una classe unita e motivata e concentrata è un prerequisito fondamentale per l’insegnamento efficace. Il percorso formativo THRIVE rivolto agli insegnati di scuola materna ed elementare ha identificato 4 elementi chiave per favorire queste condizioni:Continue reading
Net4Society ft. DANDELION in the Webinar
The webinar aimed to support NCPs as well as EU funded projects and researchers in improving communication skills within the framework of European funded projects in the field of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) andContinue reading
Are you sure to share?
A growing number of EU citizens (46%on average in 2016) follow news on social media. Six out of ten news items shared on social media have not been even read by the user who sharesContinue reading
Is it time to apply research results to migration? | Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation magazine | European Commission
Legalising people’s migration status makes them more rather than less likely to return to their country of origin, researchers say, highlighting just one of the ways that science can contribute to the migration debate andContinue reading
Migration blind spots add impetus to Euro-Mediterranean research push | Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation magazine | European Commission
There is an urgent need to understand what would enable the middle-class families that make up the majority of Europe’s migrants to stay in their home countries, a meeting to secure research collaborations across theContinue reading
Co-host project: High Schools for Refugees
With Project Co-Host, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale addresses, once again, the issues of the functional and digital literacy and integration of foreign nationals through the third reception formula. Schools are transformed into hubs for theContinue reading
Second Net4Society and DANDELION joint Webinar: “Beyond dissemination: How to communicate your research”
Net4Society – International network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 in Horizon 2020