The BIOVOICES consortium organized with great success the Focus Group Workshop on November 13th and 14th, 2018, in Rome, Italy. The workshop brought together 59 multidisciplinary experts in the knowledge fields of bioeconomy representing consumers/Continue reading
Category: News & Events
Come uscire dall’emergenza plastiche. Se ne parlerà nel cuore di Napoli con CIAK SI SCIENZA, il canale green della Federico II. L’appuntamento è per sabato 24 novembre 2018, alle 11, presso il Complesso Monumentale diContinue reading
Ecomondo 2018- How EU funded support actions contribute to the implementation roadmap of the European Bioeconomy Strategy?
Ecomondo is the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo. An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recoveryContinue reading
Bio Art Gallery: Connecting Art and Bioeconomy
The Bio Art Gallery, is an innovative way of presenting the raw materials and the related fields of application. The BIOWAYS and BIOVOICES projects, funded by the European Commission and BBI JU, produced a stunningContinue reading
Biobridges, the new BBI JU funded project in Bioeconomy
Biobridges is a 24 months action aiming at boosting the marketability of bio-based products – BBPs by establishing close cooperation and partnership between bio-based Industries – BBI, brand owners and consumers’ representatives. The ultimate goalContinue reading
The European Bioeconomy Network
What is the European Bioeconomy Network? Promoted by the Transition2Bio project and launched in May 2018, the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) is a proactive alliance of EU funded projects dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication andContinue reading
High Level Event: Sustainable & Circular Bioeconomy, The European Way | Brussels, Belgium
On 22 of October 2018, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation organised the High Level Bioeconomy conference focused on the need to have a sustainable and circular bioeconomy to enhance the transition in a changed EUContinue reading
BioCannDo: 4. Networking Webinar on the Communication of Bio-Based Products
Are you involved in the development of the bioeconomy and/or of innovative bio-based products, and interested in communicating about the benefits bio-based products offer to the larger public? Then you may want to engage withContinue reading
IFIB 2018 International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy 27 – 28 September 2018 / Turin, Italy
The 8th edition of IFIB – International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy organized by Assobiotec, the Italian Association for the development of biotechnology which is part of the national Federation of Chemical Industry (Federchimica), took placeContinue reading
GPP ACADEMY – Forum CompraVerde Buy Green
Thursday 18th October at 12:30 In the context of Forum CompraVerde Buy Green, the most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives, dedicated to green and sustainable procurement, Susanna AlbertiniContinue reading