In the context of the BIOVOICES project, funded by the European Commission (GA 774331) aiming at promoting multi stakeholders dialogue to address societal, environmental and economic challenges related to bio-based products and applications, we areContinue reading
Category: News & Events
Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza, Rome 2018
What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Is it possible to make more sustainable choices for the environment and for our health? Visit the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE on May 24th from 11am to 4pm to discoverContinue reading
BioinnovationDays 2018 BioinnovationDays 2018 – international hackathon on bioeconomy and biomedicine, Estonia
BioInnovatioDays 2018 was held on 27-28 April in Tartu, Estonia. The event brought together 98 participants including students, researchers, start-ups, mentors and speakers from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Norway.Continue reading
The global financial crisis of the past decades has led to the rise of social and economic inequalities in society. The rise of socio-economic divide in the EU is further aggravated by the labour marketContinue reading
6 June 2018, Brussels – Innovative bio-based products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives
Innovative bio-based products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives 06 June 2018, from 09:00 to 17:00 Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3, Brussels, 1210, Belgium A full day event for more thanContinue reading
Bando per progetti innovativi contro gli sprechi e per la gestione delle eccedenze alimentari
Il Ministero delle Politiche agricole alimentari e forestali replica anche per il 2018 l’iniziativa intrapresa lo scorso anno, mettendo a disposizione fondi per 700.000 euro che saranno assegnati a progetti innovativi che abbiano l’obiettivo di limitare gli sprechi alimentari e sostenereContinue reading
Migrazione: trasformare le sfide in opportunità
Nel corso degli ultimi anni la migrazione ha rivestito un ruolo da protagonista all’interno della società, assumendo in molti, troppi, casi un’accezione quasi totalmente negativa. Secondo l’Eurobarometro (2017) è diventata la preoccupazione principale per ilContinue reading
Il primo concorso italiano dedicato alle storie di Economia Circolare.
Video, fotografie, reportage radiofonici e racconti che sappiano raccontare il mondo che cambia. Tutto attorno a noi. Il concorso Il Concorso Storie di Economia Circolare è un concorso a premi dedicato al racconto diContinue reading
WHO/Europe Migration and Health Programme: Refugee and Migrant Maternal and New Born Health
On 10 April 2018 (12:30 – 14:00 CEST), WHO/Europe Migration and Health Programme will host the fifth in a series of webinars dedicated to addressing the timely and relevant topic of refugee and migrant healthContinue reading
Outcomes of the Mutual Learning workshop to maximize opportunities: Migration: turning challenges into opportunities
We are pleased to present the outcomes and the reccomandations, stemming from the Mutual Learning Workshop “Migration: turning challenges into opportunities”, based on the challenges, to turn the migration challenges into an opportunity for social, economicalContinue reading