6 June 2018, Brussels – Innovative bio-based products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives

Innovative bio-based products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives
06 June 2018, from 09:00 to 17:00
Crowne Plaza Brussels โ€“ Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3, Brussels, 1210, Belgium

A full day event for more than 200 participants


Please find the conference flyer attached and a short video.
You can visit the conference webpage for more information

The conference looks into the innovative bio-based products sector. It presents and discusses environmental impacts, investment potential and innovative aspects of selected bio-based products with an interdisciplinary audience of:

  • Policymakers
  • Investors
  • Industry and SMEs
  • Researchers and academia
  • Consumers and civil society


Conference Language is English.

For more information, please visit this webpage




Please feel free to contact:
Chiara Mazzetti, Ecologic Institute chiara.mazzetti@ecologic.eu [+49] 30 86 880 139

Holger Gerdes, Ecologic Institute holger.gerdes@ecologic.eu [+49] 30 86 880 148