A settembre torna la tredicesima edizione della Notte Europea dei Ricercatori coordinata da Frascati Scienza. L’associazione, impegnata da anni nella diffusione della cultura scientifica, si è aggiudicata ancora una volta il bando della Commissione EuropeaContinue reading
Category: News & Events
RoadToBio workshop on bio-based opportunities for the chemical industry – Registration open
The RoadToBio consortium is pleased to invite you to the second RoadToBio stakeholder workshop to introduce and discuss the bio-based opportunities identified within the project for the chemical industry to increase its bio-based portfolio. Over the pastContinue reading
FATTI di Plastica – L’evento organizzato dal CNR sulle plastiche e l’inquinamento ambientale
Il 5 giugno 2018 si è svolto, a Roma presso la Casa dell’architettura – Acquario Romano, nell’ambito della giornata mondiale dell’Ambiente per l’anno 2018 “Beat Plastic Pollution”, l’evento “FATTI di Plastica” sulle nuove soluzioni sostenibiliContinue reading
BIOWAYS and BIOVOICES @FATTI di Plastica – 5 June 2018, Rome IT
More than 25 million tons of plastic waste are generated each year in Europe. Less than 30% is recycled or reused. The event #FATTIdiPlastica will bring to the attention of citizens a very current topic! When? TuesdayContinue reading
5 June 2018, WHO WEBINAR – Health of Refugee and Migrant children and Unaccompanied Minors
On 5 June 2018, the WHO Regional Office for Europe will host the sixth in a series of webinars dedicated to addressing the timely and relevant topic of refugee and migrant health and well-being. TheContinue reading
Successful Results for the Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza in Rome
May 24th 2018 – We had the pleasure to present, in the context of the Festival of Sustainable Development 2018, the main Italian contribution to the EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK, a mini version of the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE withContinue reading
Innovative way to communicate research through gamification: Serious Games are increasingly gaining popularity to raise awareness and teach contents addressing both children and adults. FVA new media research, in the context of the European BIOWAYSContinue reading
Consultation on Public perception of bio-based products
BIOWAYS project’s partners are conducting a second round of surveys to find out what people actually know about bio-based products and how much is generally understood about the bioeconomy. What are bio-based products, for example,Continue reading
#GNE2018 – 12° ed. Premio e Giornata nazionale Giornalisti Nell’Erba
Il 25 maggio è #GNE2018. manifestazione dedicata a sostenibilità, scienza, giornalismo, per giovani di tutte le età. #GNE2018, la XII edizione della giornata nazionale Giornalisti Nell’Erba #GNE2018, che ha il riconoscimento del Ministero dell’Ambiente,Continue reading
RISE CONFERENCE 2018 Responsible Innovation in Sustainable Ecosystems
CALL FOR PAPERS Responsible Research and Innovation in Industrial Innovation Ecosystems: Perspectives in Industry 4.0 Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu, Estonia, 17-19 September 2018 The reference domain of the call is the Responsible Research andContinue reading