The BIOECONOMY VILLAGE, promoted by the European Commission and BBI JU projects BIOWAYS, BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio and Biobridges in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. This year Maker Faire Rome dedicated an entire exhibitionContinue reading
Category: Education and Training
The BIOECONOMY Village at the European Researchers’ Night – 28th & 29th September 2018, Frascati
Big interest from the large public for the biobased products and applications during the European Researchers’ Night organized by Frascati Scienza, the great event that bring science to the streets of the city, among citizens, youngContinue reading
The European Bioeconomy Congress Lodz 2018 – September 24th (Lodz, Poland).
The workshop on Bioeconomy Education involving, Educators, and related Stakeholders, is aimed at supporting development of bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European Bioregions. The problems to be discussed this year include the battle against smog,Continue reading
#ERN18, BE a citizEn Scientist: la scienza è partecipata
A settembre torna la tredicesima edizione della Notte Europea dei Ricercatori coordinata da Frascati Scienza. L’associazione, impegnata da anni nella diffusione della cultura scientifica, si è aggiudicata ancora una volta il bando della Commissione EuropeaContinue reading
Migrazione: trasformare le sfide in opportunità
Nel corso degli ultimi anni la migrazione ha rivestito un ruolo da protagonista all’interno della società, assumendo in molti, troppi, casi un’accezione quasi totalmente negativa. Secondo l’Eurobarometro (2017) è diventata la preoccupazione principale per ilContinue reading
Outcomes of the Mutual Learning workshop to maximize opportunities: Migration: turning challenges into opportunities
We are pleased to present the outcomes and the reccomandations, stemming from the Mutual Learning Workshop “Migration: turning challenges into opportunities”, based on the challenges, to turn the migration challenges into an opportunity for social, economicalContinue reading
IHApp! The InterHealth project application
In the context of the Erasmus+ project InterHealth has been designed the IHApp, targeted to healthcare professionals dealing with migrants. The current migration phenomenon in Europe creates a great need for provision of culturally sensitive health careContinue reading
#MigrationDayRome2018 – a great success!!!
Rome, Tuesday 13 March 2018 – “Migration: turning challenges into opportunities” the Mutual Learning workshop, hosted by the European Commission Representation in Italy at Spazio Europa, has achieved great success in terms of involvement and participation. The initiative wasContinue reading
How much do you know about youth unemployment in Europe? Play with EU@work and discover it!
The social game EU@work has been designed and developed, in collaboration with the H2020-IIRS EU-funded projects Negotiate and EXCEPT, to test the knowledge and to increase awareness on EU Citizens perception about the work challenge facedContinue reading
Giornata Internazionale sulla Migrazione: trasformare le sfide in opportunità, Roma, 13 marzo 2018
Si terrà a Roma martedì 13 Marzo 2018 il Workshop di apprendimento reciproco “Migrazione: trasformare le sfide in opportunità”. L’iniziativa è promossa dai Progetti Dandelion e InterHealth, finanziati dalla Commissione Europea, in collaborazione con OISContinue reading