We are delighted to announce the release of the new book for kids ‘What’s Bioeconomy?’. With this initiative, the BIOVOICES and Transition2BIO projects aim to educate young children about the bioeconomy in an easy andContinue reading
Category: Education and Training
Europe is moving to build a “different world” for future generations, promoting more sustainable consumption, production processes and lifestyles, through the EU Green Deal and the related sectoral policies such as, for instance the StrategyContinue reading
Il premio speciale bioeconomia. Lazio Innova lancia la nuova edizione virtuale della Startupper School Academy
Lazio Innova, grazie al programma Startupper School Academy, porta lo spirito imprenditoriale nelle scuole del Lazio. L’emergenza sanitaria COVID-19 ha reso necessario il trasferimento di tutte le attività online per permettere agli studenti delle scuoleContinue reading
Create new value chains in 5 steps: The Bridge2Value methodology
Bridge2value is an innovative format, designed and validated by FVA in the context of the Biobridges project to create cross interconnections between quadruple helix stakeholders towards the creation of a new value chain. The mainContinue reading
Formazione Premio Speciale Bioeconomia
Nel contesto della Startupper School Accademy, Lazio Innova e il progetto Europeo BIOVOICES hanno organizzato una giornata formativa volta a favorire l’adesione delle scuole al premio speciale “Bioeconomia”. L’obiettivo della giornata di formazione è statoContinue reading
The European Bioeconomy Network, Novamont and BIOVOICES support the Startupper School Academy Program
Lazio Innova has launched the Startupper School Academy Program to promote entrepreneurship and creativity in the Lazio Region High schools To design a sustainable future, the contribution of young generation is essential! Also this yearContinue reading
Si è tenuto lunedì 15 luglio 2019 presso lo Spazio Attivo di Roma Casilina (Via Casilina 3/T) il workshop “L’EMPOWERMENT DELLE DONNE IN EQUILIBRIO TRA VITA PROFESSIONALE E PRIVATA” organizzato dal progetto Europeo Ladies First!Continue reading
The role of communication and education in promoting circular and sustainable bioeconomy
The Bioeconomy offers huge potential to tackle societal challenges such as resource efficiency, climate change, maintaining European competitiveness and creation of jobs. Increasing public awareness and knowledge about all areas of the bioeconomy is aContinue reading
European Researchers’ Night – BEES 2018 Closing Event
50,000 visitors, 1,000 people involved in the organization and about 30 million those who were somehow reached by the communication campaign. These are the record numbers of the thirteenth edition of the European Researchers’ NightContinue reading
GPP ACADEMY – Forum CompraVerde Buy Green
Thursday 18th October at 12:30 In the context of Forum CompraVerde Buy Green, the most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives, dedicated to green and sustainable procurement, Susanna AlbertiniContinue reading