In the context of the BIOVOICES Regional Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop “Bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development based on territorial resources in APULIA” which took place the 19th of March 2019 at the UniversityContinue reading
Category: Bioeconomy
European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 to be held in Helsinki featuring numerous internationally renowned experts
A unique conference on the bioeconomy, to be held this year in the vibrant seaside city of Helsinki, will present new issues and offer insights into bio-based value chains and the related socio-economic aspects. TheContinue reading
Small Scale Fisheries: opportunities from the sea
In the context of the BIOVOICES Regional Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop “Bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development based on territorial resources in APULIA” which took place the 19th of March 2019 at the UniversityContinue reading
Circular Bioeconomy: our sustainable future!
A teenager will explains you in 60 seconds what Bioeconomy is. WATCH THE VIDEO!!!
CAPRAIA SMART ISLAND: terzo meeting sull’isola nel Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano per rilanciare un ambizioso progetto di economia circolare a 360 gradi
Nel maggio del 2017 si è tenuto a Capraia un evento unico nella storia dell’isola; per due giorni si sono radunati decine di esperti di primo piano per individuare tutte le possibili iniziative da intraprendereContinue reading
Workshop regionale del progetto BIOVOICES: La Bioeconomia come opportunità di sviluppo regionale basato sulle risorse territoriali in Puglia
Bari, 19 Marzo 2019 Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro Il progetto BIOVOICES, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea che mira a promuovere il dialogo tra i vari gruppi di stakeholder, ha organizzato un Mobilization and MutualContinue reading
BIOVOICES and Biobridges MML Workshop in Piemonte region: Bioeconomy as an opportunity to boost local development based on territorial resources
Biovoices and Biobridges are organizing, on the 9th of April, a Mobilisation and Mutual learning workshop in Biella, Piemonte region “Bioeconomy as an opportunity to boost local development based on territorial resources” to generate ideas and stimulateContinue reading
BIOVOICES project supports Startupper School Academy, the Lazio Innova program for schools
Lazio Innova launched the Startupper School Academy program to promote entrepreneurship and creativity within the schools of Lazio region, in order to increase the knowledge and to stimulate business skills among the students. To draw a sustainableContinue reading
BIOVOICES supporta Startupper School Academy, il programma di Lazio Innova per le scuole
Lazio Innova ha avviato il Programma Startupper School Academy per promuovere l’imprenditorialità e la creatività nelle scuole del Lazio, al fine di accrescere la conoscenza e stimolare la propensione al fare impresa tra gli studenti degli Istituti diContinue reading
Zero plastica nelle mense Milanesi, solo prodotti biodegradabili e compostabili al 100% Nel contesto del progetto Biobridges, finanziato dal BBI JU e dalla Commissione Europea, che ha l’obiettivo di migliorare la promozione e l’accettazione sulContinue reading