Susanna Albertini (FVA new media research) sarà una delle docenti del nuovo Master executive di I livello Sustainability Management (SUSTMAG), attivato da UnitelmaSapienza in collaborazione con la Scuola di Alta formazione sulla Sostenibilità e l’EconomiaContinue reading
Author: Selenia Marinelli
The Bioeconomy Village at Maker Faire Rome 2021
In the context of the Maker Faire Rome 2021, the BIOVOICES and Transition2Bio projects will participate with the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE and many others activities, in phygital mode! From 8th to 10th October, we will beContinue reading
European Researchers’ Night – LEAF, prendiamoci cura del futuro del nostro Pianeta
Al via l’edizione 2021 della Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delle Ricercatrici organizzata da Frascati Scienza, in programma il 24 settembre. Anche quest’anno FVA new media research parteciperà alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delleContinue reading
Corso di bioeconomia per docenti delle scuole primarie
Corso per docenti delle scuole primarie Il corso si rivolge agli insegnanti degli istituti scolastici che hanno aderito al percorso di formazione del personale docente e degli alunni offerto dai progetti europei Biovoices e Transition2Bio.Continue reading
We are delighted to announce the release of the new book for kids ‘What’s Bioeconomy?’. With this initiative, the BIOVOICES and Transition2BIO projects aim to educate young children about the bioeconomy in an easy andContinue reading
Europe is moving to build a “different world” for future generations, promoting more sustainable consumption, production processes and lifestyles, through the EU Green Deal and the related sectoral policies such as, for instance the StrategyContinue reading
PRONTO Info-training at Forum CompraVerde – BuyGreen 2020
On October 2020 took place the Italian national PRONTO info-training in the context of Forum CompraVerde – BuyGreen, the most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives on greenContinue reading
International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The role of women and girls in promoting the bioeconomy
On February 11 we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, an event wanted by the UN since 2015. Aim of the day is to highlight the role women and girls haveContinue reading
Il premio speciale bioeconomia. Lazio Innova lancia la nuova edizione virtuale della Startupper School Academy
Lazio Innova, grazie al programma Startupper School Academy, porta lo spirito imprenditoriale nelle scuole del Lazio. L’emergenza sanitaria COVID-19 ha reso necessario il trasferimento di tutte le attività online per permettere agli studenti delle scuoleContinue reading
Create new value chains in 5 steps: The Bridge2Value methodology
Bridge2value is an innovative format, designed and validated by FVA in the context of the Biobridges project to create cross interconnections between quadruple helix stakeholders towards the creation of a new value chain. The mainContinue reading