Lazio Innova launched the Startupper School Academy program to promote entrepreneurship and creativity within the schools of Lazio region, in order to increase the knowledge and to stimulate business skills among the students.
To draw a sustainable future, young generations’s contribution is essential!
For this reason the European project BIOVOICES, Biobridges, Novamont and the European Bioeconomy Network have choosen to support the Startupper School Academy program, offering prices to the students who will present the best Bioeconomy business idea. This award aims to sensitize students towards a more sustainable economic model that uses renewable resources as an alternative to fossil ones.
The special “Bioeconomy” prize will be awarded to projects that will use raw materials of renewable origin.
The Institute that will realize the best project proposal will receive a prize of 1,500 euros, made available by Novamont and 3 Vivichem kits, the Novamont educational support, which allows students to reproduce a modern biorefinery in a box, through the description of renewables raw materials and processes leading to the production of bioproducts and biopolymers.
The winning team of students will be awarded during the Italian Bioeconomy Day and will be hosted within the BIOECONOMY Village, organized by BIOVOICES, during the European researchers’ night in Frascati and at Maker Faire 2019 in Rome, to promote their project idea to the general public.
The winning students will also be invited to present the project during a Bioeconomy event to be held in Europe in the coming months. BIOVOICES project and Lazioinnova will cover travel and travel costs.