INTERHEALTH Project – Training week

In the context of INTERHEALTH – Intercultural Competences for Healthcare Professionals. Erasmus + project, FVA organized the Short-term training event  from the 11th to the 15th of December 2017.
Assuming a lifelong learning perspective, this project aims to increase the intercultural competences of healthcare professionals and providers in Europe, through non-formal training.

The main goal of the training activity was to develop an APP aiming at raising awareness and reflection on intercultural illness beliefs.  To design this APP, the project’s partners analysed what are the dimensions and phases of intercultural healthcare and identified what are the beliefs, depending on  the prevalence of a cultural model of the patient.

During the next months the contents of the APP will be developed and the technical implementation will take place toward the first release of the APP in the beginning of march.

The training activity, involving 13 partners, took place at FVA premises in Rome.