We are pleased to announce that the GenB and BlueMissionMed projects will join their efforts and will participate to Maker Faire Rome 2023, with PlanetART booth. From 20th to 22nd October 2023, we will beContinue reading
Tag: ocean and waters protection
Another successful event: Glaukos project and Bio-plastics Europe workshop “Marine-friendly biopolymers: characteristics and challenges”
More than 120 participants proactively contributed in the different thematic sessions of the workshop “Marine-friendly biopolymers: characteristics and challenges”, co-organised by Glaukos project (FVA) and Bio-Plastics Europe, in collaboration with the European Bioplastics Research Network and the EuropeanContinue reading
Glaukos partner FVA co-organised the workshop “How can marine-friendly biopolymers be a suitable solution for commercial fishing, aquaculture and agriculture?” at the EUROCORD annual convention
FVA, EUROCORD, I-Coat and Van Beelen co-organised the Glaukos workshop ‘How can marine-friendly biopolymers be a suitable solution for commercial fishing, aquaculture and agriculture?’, in the context of the EUROCORD annual convention (Bardolino, Italy) onContinue reading
1st BlueMissionMed Stakeholder Forum, 30 May 2023, Palermo
BlueMissionMed project, thanks to a joint effort of FVA and CNR partners and with the support of the European Commission, organised the “1st BlueMissionMed Stakeholder Forum” on 30 May 2023 morning at Palazzo dei Normanni,Continue reading
BlueMissionMed Common Ground Camp, 29 May 2023, Palermo
BlueMissionMed project, thanks to a joint effort of FVA and CNR, organised the Common Ground Camp, a multi-stakeholders participative activity to co-create the Mediterranean Sea basin Lighthouse Terms of Reference and establish the Mediterranean SeaContinue reading
BlueMissionMed Kick Off Meeting, 26-27 January 2023, Venice
All FVA team participated at the Kick off meeting of the BlueMissionMed project, part of the EU Mission “Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030” was held in Venice on 26 and 27 January. BlueMissionMedContinue reading