Nel corso degli ultimi anni la migrazione ha rivestito un ruolo da protagonista all’interno della società, assumendo in molti, troppi, casi un’accezione quasi totalmente negativa. Secondo l’Eurobarometro (2017) è diventata la preoccupazione principale per ilContinue reading
Outcomes of the Mutual Learning workshop to maximize opportunities: Migration: turning challenges into opportunities
We are pleased to present the outcomes and the reccomandations, stemming from the Mutual Learning Workshop “Migration: turning challenges into opportunities”, based on the challenges, to turn the migration challenges into an opportunity for social, economicalContinue reading
#MigrationDayRome2018 – a great success!!!
Rome, Tuesday 13 March 2018 – “Migration: turning challenges into opportunities” the Mutual Learning workshop, hosted by the European Commission Representation in Italy at Spazio Europa, has achieved great success in terms of involvement and participation. The initiative wasContinue reading