Friday, 20 October 2017 – New collaboration for BIOWAYS with Unitelma Sapienza and the STAR-ProBio European Project. FVA the Italian Partner of BIOWAYS introduced the Project, aiming at Increase public awareness of bio-based products andContinue reading
Tag: european research
BIOWAYS project at the European Researchers’ Night in Frascati (RM)
Great success at the European Researchers’ Night (28, 29 , 30 September 2017, Frascati, RM) for the European Project BIOWAYS, that participated to the event with workshops, laboratories, exhibitions and activities for schools. In the BIOWAYSContinue reading
How much do you know about societal challenges? Play with GUESSH and discover it!
The social game GueSSH! has been designed and developed to increase awareness on EU Citizens perception about SSH relevant challenges, aims at dispelling myths and demonstrate through a game-based approach that we tend to overestimateContinue reading
THRIVE CONFERENCE @ Chatam, Kent – 21 September 2017
Great success for the THRIVE CONFERENCE held in Chatham, Kent: More than 70 professionals attended the fully-funded event for all Early Years and Primary education stakeholder. The conference, hosted by Diagrama Foundation (a UK charity),Continue reading
Dandelion Quadruple Helix workshop – shaping the communication in SSH research
Great success of the Quadruple Helix workshop, organized by the DANDELION project in Bruxelles on 19/10/2016 to identify challenges, barriers, new ideas and solutions to increase the impact of the European research in the SSHContinue reading