More than 120 participants proactively contributed in the different thematic sessions of the workshop “Marine-friendly biopolymers: characteristics and challenges”, co-organised by Glaukos project (FVA) and Bio-Plastics Europe, in collaboration with the European Bioplastics Research Network and the EuropeanContinue reading
Tag: European Commision
Glaukos partner FVA co-organised the workshop “How can marine-friendly biopolymers be a suitable solution for commercial fishing, aquaculture and agriculture?” at the EUROCORD annual convention
FVA, EUROCORD, I-Coat and Van Beelen co-organised the Glaukos workshop ‘How can marine-friendly biopolymers be a suitable solution for commercial fishing, aquaculture and agriculture?’, in the context of the EUROCORD annual convention (Bardolino, Italy) onContinue reading
Innovative way to communicate research through gamification: Serious Games are increasingly gaining popularity to raise awareness and teach contents addressing both children and adults. FVA new media research, in the context of the European BIOWAYSContinue reading
BioVoices, a new challenge for FVA – New Media Research in the field of Bioeconomy
BIOVOICES, Mobilization of a plurality of voices and mutual learning to accelerate the Bio-based sector, is a new European Project Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant AgreementContinue reading
STAR-ProBio’s first Focus Group webinar on sustainability assessment factors for bio-based products
January 29, 2018, BIOWAYS participated in STAR-ProBio Focus Group Webinar on Sustainability Assessment Factors for Bio-Based Products. The discussion was moderated by Luana Ladu (TU Berlin) and comprised experts with a EU perspective and representativesContinue reading
BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker Faire Rome 2017 – a great success!
1,2,3 December 2017 – Promoted by the BBI JU project BIOWAYS in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome and the European project STAR- ProBio, the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. The initiativeContinue reading
Bioplastic, the sustainable alternative to the traditional fossil based plastic.
The BIOWAYS project is carrying out a series of videos called 60” Science. In each video an expert/researcher will explain a bio-based product or the results of his research. Video #2 – BIOPLASTIC Fedra FrancocciContinue reading
Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking projects
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), promoter of the Bioways Project, is about connecting key sectors, creating new value chains and producing a range of innovative bio-based products to ultimately create a new bio-basedContinue reading
Bioplastic from Insects? Discover how, with ValoriBio project
The BIOWAYS project is carrying out a series of videos called 60” Science. In each video an expert/researcher will explain a bio-based product or the results of his research. Video #1 – BIOPLASTICS FROM INSECTS Continue reading
InterHealth, OIS and ISS Mutual Learning Workshop “Training practices for health care professionals dealing with migrants”
On the 13 December 2017 at ISS -Istituto Superiore di Sanitá premises took place the mutual learning workshop “Training practices for health care professionals dealing with migrants”, organized by FVA, InterHealth project and OIS –Continue reading