[English version below] Si è appena conclusa Maker Faire – The European Edition e il Bioeconomy Village, promosso dal progetto Europeo Transition2BIO in collaborazione con BIOBec, ha ospitato oltre 7000 visitatori che nei treContinue reading
BIOWAYS and BIOVOICES @FATTI di Plastica – 5 June 2018, Rome IT
More than 25 million tons of plastic waste are generated each year in Europe. Less than 30% is recycled or reused. The event #FATTIdiPlastica will bring to the attention of citizens a very current topic! When? TuesdayContinue reading
Successful Results for the Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza in Rome
May 24th 2018 – We had the pleasure to present, in the context of the Festival of Sustainable Development 2018, the main Italian contribution to the EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK, a mini version of the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE withContinue reading
Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza, Rome 2018
What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Is it possible to make more sustainable choices for the environment and for our health? Visit the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE on May 24th from 11am to 4pm to discoverContinue reading