Also this year in the context of the Maker Faire the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE, promoted by the European Commission and BBI JU projects BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio, Biobridges and LIFT in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome, was present in the Circular Economy pavilionContinue reading
Il BIOECONOMY Village alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2019
Cos’è la Bioeconomia? Quali sono i prodotti di origine rinnovabile di uso quotidiano? È possibile fare scelte più sostenibili per l’ambiente e per la nostra salute, sostituendo i prodotti derivati dal petrolio? I prodotti diContinue reading
The BIOECONOMY Village @Maker Faire Rome 2018
The BIOECONOMY VILLAGE, promoted by the European Commission and BBI JU projects BIOWAYS, BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio and Biobridges in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. This year Maker Faire Rome dedicated an entire exhibitionContinue reading
#ERN18, BE a citizEn Scientist: la scienza è partecipata
A settembre torna la tredicesima edizione della Notte Europea dei Ricercatori coordinata da Frascati Scienza. L’associazione, impegnata da anni nella diffusione della cultura scientifica, si è aggiudicata ancora una volta il bando della Commissione EuropeaContinue reading
Innovative way to communicate research through gamification: Serious Games are increasingly gaining popularity to raise awareness and teach contents addressing both children and adults. FVA new media research, in the context of the European BIOWAYSContinue reading
Bioeconomy Village @Unitelma Sapienza, Rome 2018
What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Is it possible to make more sustainable choices for the environment and for our health? Visit the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE on May 24th from 11am to 4pm to discoverContinue reading
Bioethanol from…Olive Pomace!
The BIOWAYS project is carrying out a series of videos called 60” Science. In each video an expert/researcher will explain a bio-based product or the results of his research. Video #4 – Bioethanol as a foodContinue reading
I Contratti di Fiume premiano Fedra Francocci del Cnr
Il 6 febbraio 2018, presso la Sala Auditorium del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare (Mattm) si è tenuta la cerimonia di consegna del premio ‘XI° Tavolo nazionale dei Contratti diContinue reading
BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker Faire Rome 2017 – a great success!
1,2,3 December 2017 – Promoted by the BBI JU project BIOWAYS in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome and the European project STAR- ProBio, the BIOECONOMY VILLAGE has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. The initiativeContinue reading
Il BIOECONOMY VILLAGE @Maker Faire Rome – un grande successo!
1,2,3 Dicembre 2017 – Promosso dai Progetti BIOWAYS e STAR-ProBio, finanziati dalla Commissione Europea il BIOECONOMY VILLAGE ha ottenuto un grande successo alla Maker Faire Rome. Quest’anno la fiera, ha registrato un vero e proprioContinue reading