On the 8th of July in Helsinki will take place the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) workshop on “The role of communication and education in promoting circular and sustainable bioeconomy”, a satellite event of the Bioeconomy Conference “European Bioeconomy Scene 2019”, which will take place on 9th of July, in order to achieve an inclusive and sustainable bioeconomy for Europe.
The MML, organized by the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) and the BIOVOICES, BioCannDo, Biobridges and LIFT projects, will bring together EU funded projects, European Platforms and Networks, Member states networks, together with quadruple helix stakeholders dealing with communication and awareness raising, to support the European Bioeconomy Strategy through communication activities.
The workshop will promote the discussion and sharing of lessons learned and best communication practices, formats and channels; successful activities, multipliers to be involved; messages and arguments to be used (in terms of style, scope, terminology), etc.
This event will facilitate the creation of synergies to maximise the opportunities and impact of bioeconomy communication at national and European Level.