CommBeBiz project launched The BeBizBlueprint

The BeBizBlueprint provides top-line messages directed at the sectors, organisations and agencies that make up the world, the ‘Ecosystem’, that surrounds and supports the Bioeconomy research community.


CommBeBiz’s BeBizBlueprint presents the project’s key messages for the ‘Ecosystem’ together with the key learnings accumulated throughout the three years of its funded period.

The aim of these messages is to suggest ways in which these agencies can better support and provide capacity development for researchers working particularly in the Bioeconomy in strategic communications/outreach planning and delivery. The aim of the document overall is to continue to stimulate debate as to how Bioeconomy research and researchers can make its mark in society and with all appropriate stakeholders to deliver a bio-based, more sustainable world.

The focus of the CommBeBiz H2020 project and its actions has been the researcher working within the Bioeconomy. This is because the ‘Big Idea’ that is the Bioeconomy needs confident and capable ambassadors who can speak with conviction and passion to society and interested stakeholders, backed up by the ‘evidence’ and experience that only the researcher and their authentic voice can bring.

CommBeBiz’s key conclusion is that the organisations that surround the research community – the ‘Ecosystem’ – must consider how best to support and ‘future-proof’ this central resource in order to bring the Bioeconomy to fruition. Researchers themselves must also arm themselves with the skills required to deliver the research impact that is now required of them.


Read more about  here –