The BIOECONOMY VILLAGE, promoted by the European Commission and BBI JU projects BIOWAYS, BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio and Biobridges in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome has achieved great success in terms of public involvement and participation. This year Maker Faire Rome dedicated an entire exhibitionContinue reading
Category: News & Events
BIOVOICES Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) Workshop at Forum Compraverde – Buy Green
Rome, 18 October 2018, 14.30 – 17.30 – In the context of Forum CompraVerde-BuyGreen, the most important Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives, dedicated to green and sustainable procurement, BIOVOICESContinue reading
BIOWAYS and BIOVOICES at FestivalFuturo Altroconsumo | Unicredit Pavilion 28/29/30 September
Milan 28th, 29th and 30th September – Three days of events, debates and interactive courses to understand the potential of circular economy and sustainability. The 2018 edition of FestivalFuturo, organised by Altroconsumo had as itsContinue reading
The BIOECONOMY Village at the European Researchers’ Night – 28th & 29th September 2018, Frascati
Big interest from the large public for the biobased products and applications during the European Researchers’ Night organized by Frascati Scienza, the great event that bring science to the streets of the city, among citizens, youngContinue reading
The European Bioeconomy Congress Lodz 2018 – September 24th (Lodz, Poland).
The workshop on Bioeconomy Education involving, Educators, and related Stakeholders, is aimed at supporting development of bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European Bioregions. The problems to be discussed this year include the battle against smog,Continue reading
Registration open for webinar “Bio-based sweet spots for the chemical industry – A conclusion and discussion after the second stakeholder workshop” Wednesday , 11 July 2018 13.00 CEST
The RoadToBio consortium is pleased to invite you to the second webinar to introduce and discuss the bio-based opportunities identified within the project for the chemical industry to increase its bio-based portfolio. The RoadToBio projectContinue reading
June 13, 2018 – “International Bioeconomy Dialogues” Event
The “International Bioeconomy Dialogues” event was held on 13 June 2018 at Palazzo Lombardia in Milan, organized by our Cluster, in collaboration with the Regione Lombardia, Watify, SPRING National Cluster, Federchimica-Assobiotec and Innovhub SSI. TheContinue reading
“Boosting circular bio-based economy in cities” | MML workshop’s outcomes
Every year, the European Commission organises the EU Green Week that focuses on a variety of topics in the area of environmental protection, climate protection and the livelihoods of European citizens. In 2018, the focusContinue reading
12th June, 2018 | ISAAC Final Conference
The 12th of June, took place at the CNR venue in Rome, the final conference of the ISAAC project, with interesting insights on the topics of biogas and biomethane. ISAAC – Increasing Social Awareness and Acceptance ofContinue reading
The EU supports agriculture beyond 2020 with €365 billion through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2021-2027
The CAP is leading a transition towards a more sustainable agriculture. It needs to foster the sector’s resilience and support farmers’ income and viability. It needs to ensure that agriculture plays its full role inContinue reading