Big interest from the large public for the biobased products and applications during the European Researchers’ Night organized by Frascati Scienza, the great event that bring science to the streets of the city, among citizens, young people and students.
The Researchers’ Night hosted the BIOECONOMY Village, promoted by the BIOWAYS, BIOVOICES, STAR-ProBio and BIOBRIDGES projects funded by the European Commission and BBI JU, with the support of Curioctopus, Naturins, Spireat, Novamont, Minimo Impatto, Ecozema, S.Cafè and FIRST2RUN.
What is considered a waste could be a great resource for the circular economy and for the bioeconomy: fabrics from coffee grounds, elephant poop paper, clothes from apple and orange peel, cosmetics from the tomato’s skin. Biodegradable toys, insects for health and beauty, Spirulina as superfood, art restoration using prickly pear, mushrooms for construction, 3D printing with hemp: these are just some of the possible applications of the bioeconomy that have been shown to the students, families and to the large public.
Louis Ferrini (FVA), representing the BIOWAYS, BIOVOICES and Biobridges projects, together with Piergiuseppe Morone (Unitelma Sapienza), representing STAR-ProBio introduced the #bioeconomy to students as an alternative to the fossil based economy during the school activities.