In the context of the Short-term training event of InterHealth Project, the Italian partner FVA organized, in collaboration with Programma Integra, a mutual learning workshop“Training practices for Health care professionals dealing with migrants” at the Programma Integra premises in Rome.
The Objectives of the workshop were:
• Present and compare the contents of the InterHealth training course and the “Programma Integra” training course.
• Define areas of improvements and unexplored topics, in light of increasing the quality of both training course
• Pilot of some examples of the training courses (non formal education examples)
• Draft an action plan to improve the training courses integrating reciprocally some relevant contents
• Discuss possible future collaborations
Valentina Fabbri and Costanza Raguso from Programma Integra presented the work carried out by theProgramma Integra about social inclusion of migrants and refugees with an in-depth analysis ofthe training activities for the operators in the sector and in particular for the health professionals developed over the years. The presentation was followed by a discussion focusing on the different countries’ rules, practices and needs.
Beatrice Martins from IFRTS presented the InterHealth Project, the consortium, the outcomes and objectives. The 4 InterHealth training modules has been presented to the participants. A discussion about possible improvement and specific training needs highlighted by Programma Integra’s experience emerged during the workshop.
Together with the mutual learning objective, the workshop was organized to enable networking and draft future international cooperation among the participants.