“Bio…What?” is a Serious Game developed by the BIOWAYS project in partnership with the BioSTEP project , both funded by BBI-JU under Horizon 2020.
BIOWAYS project aims at increase public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy. BioSTEP project aims at promoting stakeholder engagement and public awareness for a participative governance of the European bioeconomy.
Bio…What? is an online game to raise young generations’ awareness on Bioeconomy, stimulating curiosity and delivering information and content about Bio-based Products.
Through the game the player will discover how different raw materials and feed-stocks can be used to produce everyday use objects and products: like furniture, Food packaging & bags, disposals for catering, vehicle tires, toys, textile products, office supplies, etc…
The game play is very engaging and active, taking inspiration from the Mario Bros game. Based on the number of correct answers and ability in avoiding the traps and fossil-based obstacles, the player will get a score, shareable on Facebook to increase viral dissemination of the game.
The game is available in English and Italian, soon also the Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Estonian and Slovak versions.
The game was presented to the public during the Researcher’s night in Rome, Cesena, Bologna and Aveiro. 500 kids played it and the feedback were very positive.
Link to the game: www.fvaweb.eu/biowhat/